Fantastic Estyn Report
As you may recall, we were inspected by Estyn in November 2023. We are so proud of our school! We are all very pleased with the report and the recognition that the school is a caring, nurturing and inclusive environment where pupils feel valued. The report recognises the exciting learning experiences teachers provide and the strong progress pupils make in literacy, numeracy and digital competence skills across the school. We are extremely proud of the recognition of the high standards of Welsh speaking skills in our school, highlighting that the provision for developing Welsh is a strength. As all schools we have areas to further develop and strengthen and we will use these to continue with our improvement journey. I feel very lucky to work with such a dedicated team of staff, governors, parents and pupils who all work together to ensure our school is an amazing environment. Please see attached summary for parents and carers. To view the full report please visit: I have highlighted some of the key points highlighted: • Black Lane is a caring and nurturing school • Senior leaders promote a vision that focuses on striving to ensure that everyone is happy, healthy and safe. All staff share this vision • Staff are compassionate and support the needs of individual pupils well • Pupils have high levels of wellbeing across the school • Pupils behave well in class and when moving around the school …