Letters: Term dates 2021-2022
Here are our term dates from September 2021 School-Term-Dates-2021-2022.pdf
Here are our term dates from September 2021 School-Term-Dates-2021-2022.pdf
The first minister Kirsty Williams has outlined that schools will be returning on 29th June 2020. Please see attached a …
Please see attached about school closure coronavirus-update-19.03.pdf
Please see attached the latest guidence as of Monday 16th MARCH Coronavirus-update.pdf
Please find attached the chistmas concert letter for nursery and reception class. Christmas-Concert-Nursery-and-Reception-2019.pdf
Please find attached the Christmas concert letter for Years 1, 2 & 3 Christmas-ConcertYear-1-Yea-2-year-3-2019.pdf
Please find attached the Christmas concert letter for years 4, 5 & 6 Christmas-ConcertYear-4-Year-5-year-6-2019.pdf
Please find attached the Christmas concert letter for years 4, 5 & 6. Christmas-ConcertYear-4-Year-5-year-6-2019.pdf
Please find attached the Christmas concert letter for Years 1, 2 and 3/ Christmas-ConcertYear-1-Yea-2-year-3-2019.pdf
Please see attached the Christmas concert letter for pupils in Nursery and Reception. Christmas-Concert-Nursery-and-Reception-2019.pdf