We want to help our families and community through this difficult time by providing any useful advice and guidance to support the wellbeing of children, young people and adults. We will provide links to documents, resources and activities to support everyone with wellbeing.
Firstly, remember it’s ok that you might be finding this a difficult time; it’s tough for everyone. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. You are now taking on a very different role, you are usually the parent, but now you are being expected to be taking on ‘learning from home’. This is a challenge and more so with the world at the present time.
Some ways to make this challenging time a little bit easier might be to adopt some of these strategies:
- Establish a family home learning timetable/routine – this could be like the format that we use in school. If this would be helpful, we could share a blank timetable with you – just ask your child’s class teacher. Also, maybe you need to have a learning agreement from your children, where they have the responsibility to be in control of their learning and that they are going to try to stick to the timetable. Supporting Daily Routine Video provides advice on setting up a daily routine with a supporting worksheet:Supporting Home Learning Routines.
- Once the timetable/routine is in place it should help to structure the day. Maybe start the day at 9am with the Joe Wicks exercise class. At the end of the activity, there is an opportunity to do deep muscle pressure (warm down) and this will help to calm your child. Alternatively, Yoga with Cosmic Kids can also be found on YouTube and the whole family could access this too. There are worksheets available with this too.
- Try to incorporate the Five Ways to Well-being into their daily routine, (connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give)
- Many children would benefit from a quiet space to go to when they are struggling to manage their emotions. Is there a place that they could go to within the house? For example, a quiet/safe place for them to colour, there are many colouring therapy templates available online.
- Try to organise regular check-ins with your child’s class teacher, it’s important that you know that you are not alone.
Take care of yourself and each other. Be safe.
Action for Happiness provide monthly calendars that are packed with actions you can take to help create a happier and kinder world. Click here to access previous calendars.
Useful Resources
CAMHs have created a site for young people, parents and professionals to provide very useful resources that help to support mental health and wellbeing. There are useful books and videos to access. Keep checking at the website is updated.
Click on the links to access some other resources to support wellbeing:
- Supporting Children’s Wellbeing
- Supporting children with Corona Virus_Primary aged Children Pack
- How to Support your Child Corona
- 5 Ways to Wellbeing Resource Pack
- My Name is Coronavirus
Wrexham Educational Psychology Service Wellbeing Packs
The Educational Psychology Service are working very hard each week to put together useful packs to support parents and pupils’ wellbeing during this difficult time. Please take a look at the packs and if there is anything else you feel you would like support on, please let us know.
The Educational Psychologists are available to talk and offer advice on useful strategies that can be used to help wellbeing and learning – just ask!
- Wellbeing Pack 1 – Supporting Children’s Wellbeing
- Wellbeing Pack 2 – Play for All
- Wellbeing Pack 3 – Outdoor Play
- Wellbeing Pack 4 – Resilience and Growth Mindset
- Wellebing Pack 5 – Reflection
- Wellbeing Pack 6 – Not Forgetting Essentials
- Wellbeing Pack 7 – Preparing to Move Forward
- Wellbeing Pack 8 – Kindness Matters Most
- Wellbeing Pack 9 – The Place We Call Home
- Wellbeing Pack 10 – The Greatest Hits
- Wellbeing Pack 11 – Returning to School
Useful Websites and Apps for Wellbeing
Please also see our page on Online Safety. There are guides specifically aimed at supporting mental health.
- https://bedtime.fm/peaceout – short stories that help children calm down and relax.
- https://www.smilingmind.com.au/– Smiling Mind is a great mindfulness app/website for the whole family (Age 7+)
- https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga – Cosmic Kids Yoga and mindfulness for children ages 3+
- https://www.stopbreathethink.com/kids/ – Stop, Breathe and Think is an app that focuses on meditation and mindfulness for children
- https://www.childline.org.uk/kids/ – childline activities that focus on feelings
- https://youngminds.org.uk/media/3554/how-many-positives-360-activity.pdf – an activity which focuses on looking for positives in daily life. This helps to change mood.
- https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/for-children-and-young-people/coronavirus/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/ – Information about Coronavirus and your wellbeing.
- https://www.brainpop.com/health/diseasesinjuriesandconditions/coronavirus/ – child friendly video to explain the Cornavirus.