Support for Literacy

This page will be used to provide you with useful documents and links to support your child’s literacy skills.

The Programmes of Study set out what children should be taught at each stage of development.  As parents you can use these documents to know what they will be learning in school and know how to support them at home.

Oracy Programmes of Study FP;               Oracy Programmes of Study KS2-3

Reading Programmes of Study FP;          Reading Programmes of Study KS2-3

Writing Programmes of Study FP;           Writing Programmes of Study KS2-3


Phonics is a method schools use to teach your child to read the sounds in words. It helps your child to learn to read quickly and skilfully and is an essential part of your child’s early education.  Here are a range of live video resources to help you support phonics at home.

Letters and Sounds

Twinkl Live Lessons – phase 1

Twinkl Live Lessons – phase 2

Twinkl Live Lessons – phase 3

Twinkl Live Lessons – phase 4

Expected Stage of Reading for Oxford Reading Tree

Children also need to learn to read words by sight to improve fluency.  Here are the first 200 high frequency words that appear in text.  The aim is to read all 200 high frequency words by sight, rather than blending. 

Alphabet Sounds Sheet

First 100 High Frequency Words

Next 200 High Frequency Words

Learning opportunities are everywhere! You can make anything a learning experience. Some of the most important skills parents can help their child with is talking and reading.  Daily routines and activities provide excellent opportunities to develop these skills.  Please see the below posters with some simple ideas on how to support these skills at home.