Class teachers will be using Hwb and Google Classrooms to share suggested learning activities and links to resources. Please ensure you login to the Google Classrooms to keep up to date with learning activities and resources. Black Lane subscribe to lots of online resources and recommend that the children login to use these daily.
Daily reading and practice of times tables and calculations is proven to have a massive impact on children’s academic progress. this gives access to Office 365, J2e resources, Google for Education and Minecraft Education. All pupils have an individual login and password. this gives you access to online reading resources that helps to develop comprehension skills. All pupils have an individual login and password. this gives you access to online Maths activities that help to practice and consolidate learnt skills. All pupils have an individual login and password. *Please note this is only for Yrs 1-6. this allows children to practice times tables and improve mental arithmetic. All pupils have an individual login and password. *please note this is aimed at Yrs 2-6 or children who have an understanding of times tables already. this allows children to practice mental arithmetic. All pupils have an individual login and password.*Please note this is aimed at Yrs 1-6.
We have collated some useful websites that will support learning at home (click the images):
Twinkl also have some useful free resources for parents: Twinkl Free Parent Resources
Please see ‘Supporting Emotional Wellbeing‘ page for links to wellbeing resources.
Class Teachers have also prepared a ‘Suggested Activities Overview’, where children can choose activities they are interested in.
Moel Hebog Suggested Activities Overview 1
Moel Siabod Suggested Activities Overview 1
Cadair Idris, Tryfan and Snowdon Suggested Activities Overview 1
If you require any support or resources for a particular area, please contact your class teacher through SeeSaw or Class Dojo, who will be more than happy to help.