Newsletters: Harvest

Vicar Will attended school today to deliver a service about Harvest. The service tied in lovely with our value of the term which is ‘thankfulness’. This year we are also learning about The Children’s Rights and have discussed:

‘Article 24: Your right to good food and water’

As we have done in previous years we will be holding our annual collection of foods which will be donated to the local foodbank. This will go towards supporting families who need help at times. If you need to access food vouchers please call: 0300 330 1178

The foodbank is currently in desperate need of items such as Tinned Fruit, Tinned Vegetables, Tinned Fish, Small Cartons of Fruit Juice, Toiletries (shower gel, shampoo, shaving foam, deodorant)

The donations will benefit those in need within our local area. Please can any items be into school by Wednesday 5th October 2022.

Many thanks

Please find attached details of the Harvest service in St. Paul’s on Sunday 2nd October.